AXA eMedic - get your medical insurance online & get protected immediately! As low as RM37/m

Looking for insurance plan during this MCO period? Look no further! You can buy your insurance plan with just few clicks & get protected!

It’s revolutionary and innovative! With AXA eMedic, everything is 100% online – and it’s created with the digital generation in mind.

AXA eMedic is the ideal plan for you if you are looking for your first medical card or for supplementary medical protection for your existing plan.

P.S: AXA eMedic provides full coverage for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Getting a medical card is so easy with AXA eMedic. You can choose your plan, make payment and get covered immediately right here! With Individual Medical Card and Family Plan options, you and your loved ones will never have to worry about high medical costs.

eMedic is available to:
Children - As young as 15 days old
Adult - Up to age 49 years
Expats - Expats, professionals, dependents and more
Family - Group your family members in a single package for easy management

How do I buy eMedic?

2.       Get quote: enter your birthday and other info needed
3.       Choose your plan: choose a plan that suits you
4.       Answer health questions: answer simple health questions
5.       Make payment: make payment using your prefer payment options
6.       Done! Enjoy your protection!
